I answer the questions you'd argue with your friends about at the bar...but with data
Welcome to the Data Barguments section of Freaktakes! This is the whimsical part of the Substack that I do for fun. The other section of the Substack, Engineering Innovation is where I do my serious writing on metascience and progress studies related things.
Data Barguments are the articles that nobody asked for, nobody needed, but people think are pretty damn fun.
I work with Freakonomics co-author Steve Levitt to incubate social good initiatives during the day and write here at night.
Sign up now and please let me know if you have any fun article ideas.
(The goal of Data Barguments is for articles to be fun, clear, and approachable. If you would like to read much more convoluted data pieces, but where every single variable is controlled for, I get it. Go read an econ paper or something.)
In the meantime, tell your friends!